Partnerships & Affiliations

The Baking Bunch

. . . provides regular work experience and training opportunities for people with disabilities because of the wonderful support from our partners.

Work Experience

We provide scaffolded work experience eg Broncos Leagues Club.

Paid Work

We provide scaffolded support in paid work eg The Compounding Lab, Sofitel and with participant Micro Businesses.


Cafes order each week. These working partnerships providing ongoing regular orders and wonderful routine opportunities for The Baking Bunch Team participants. Participants develop skills in ordering, baking, packaging, delivering and developing relationships with our cafe partners.

We also provide scaffolded in situ barista and hospitality work experience.

Corporates / Businesses

Our corporate and business partners place regular orders for:

  • event catering

  • morning teas, lunches, birthdays

  • corporate gifts

Again, this provides wonderful routine opportunities for The Baking Bunch Team participants to practice skills. In addition to developing baking and customer service skills, participants develop skills creating beautiful packaging and gift cards.


Thank you to our amazing community for ongoing support purchasing baked goods and project creations eg our gorgeous green plant gifts and our creative and colourful card sets.